Marshall D. Teach is a recurring character in the anime series, One Piece. More commonly known as Blackbeard, he was an apprentice to the Whitebeard pirates and is one of the current Four Emperors that rule over the New World. Marshall has control over the Yami Yami no Mi which allows him to create, control and transform his body into darkness. The darkness also has properities similar to Gravity and Absorption that allows Teach to take other people’s Devil Fruit powers as long as he maintains physical contact.
Trafalgar Law figure shown not included (sold separately)
- 3.1 inches (7.87cm)
- Made of PVC and ABS
- Based on the One Piece anime series
- Part of the Senkozekkei line
- Highly detailed
- Non-articulated
Box Content: Marshall D. Teach figure
One Piece Senkozekkei-Marshall.D.Teach-