Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 anime, the Virtue model kit is on a 1/100 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. This model kit comes prepared for battle with a plethora of weapons, plus figures of Tieria in her pilot suit and dress!
Just like in the anime, you can remove Gundam Virtue's armor to reveal Gundam Nadleeh! With so much attention to detail, you will be able to recreate endless, action-packed scenes, making this the perfect addition to your collection.
- 1/100 Scale
- Made of plastic
- Includes a variety of accessories
- Poseable once complete
- Users can choose Virtue or Nadleeh form
- Features 2 Tieria figures
- Instructions may or may not include English translation
- Pieces to build
- Gundam Virtue or Nadleeh
- GN Cannon
- GN Bazooka
- GN Shield
- GN Beam saber
- GN Beam rifle
- Effect parts for GN beam rifle
- GN Drive
- Solar Furnace
- 2 Tieria figures
- Foil stickers
- Marking stickers
- PP sheet
- Instructions
Customize your kit and take your creation to another level with our selection of paint sets.