Top Puzzle Solving Tips to Boost Your Skills

A Blog by Justin Ponti

Puzzles are one of those things that never go out of fashion. Whether you like easy puzzles for beginners or more challenging puzzles the thrill of putting that final piece is universal. But let’s be honest some puzzles can be a real head scratcher! 

If you’ve ever felt stuck don’t worry you’re not alone. Here are some puzzle solving tips to help make the process easier and more fun. Let’s get started.

Sort Your Pieces Like a Boss

Before you start, take a minute to sort. This might seem obvious but sorting your pieces is the foundation of a smooth solve. Start with the edges. Separate all your edge pieces. Building the frame first gives you a clear boundary and makes it easier to see where everything else goes.

If there are distinct colours or patterns group those together. Whether it’s the blue of the sky or the patterns of a cityscape, starting with easy to see areas gives you an early win. Also, remember that shape matters. Some puzzlers even group pieces by shape especially when they’re stuck in a tricky section. It helps narrow it down when you’re searching for that elusive piece.

Do the Border

Once you’ve sorted your edges start by building the border. It’s an obvious tip but one that’s often overlooked. Completing the edges gives you a framework to work within and reduces the overwhelming feeling of a pile of random pieces staring back at you.

Work in Sections

Instead of solving the whole puzzle at once break it into smaller sections. Focus on one area at a time, like a building, object or colour. This helps you stay organised and gives you small wins throughout the puzzle.

Study the Box Cover

Don’t underestimate the box cover image! Take some time to really look at it before you start the puzzle. Look closely at colour transitions, unique shapes and small details. The more you know the image the easier it is to see where the pieces go.

Learn how to choose the perfect puzzle for your skill level here.

Start with Bold Colours and Patterns

Focus on sections with strong colours or patterns first. These are usually the easiest to find and fit. In a landscape puzzle for example a bright red house or a yellow sunset is a good place to start. Once you’ve completed those standout sections the rest of the puzzle isn’t so bad.

Eliminate the Impossible

When you’re stuck on a section try using process of elimination. Narrow down your options by looking at the shape or colour of the pieces you need. If a piece doesn’t fit set it aside and move on to the next. This might sound time consuming but it’s a lot faster than just throwing pieces together randomly.

Rotate and Try Pieces

Don’t be afraid to rotate pieces or try them in different ways. Sometimes a piece looks like it fits but it’s just turned the wrong way. Puzzle pieces can be sneaky like that! Rotate them in all directions until they fit perfectly. This little tip will save you a lot of frustration especially with tricky puzzles.

Take puzzling to the next level with 3D puzzles. Learn more here.

Take a Break When Needed

We’ve all been there: staring at the same piece for what feels like hours and nothing fits. That’s when it’s time to take a break. Stepping away from the puzzle allows your brain to reset and more often than not you’ll come back with fresh eyes and suddenly see the piece you’ve been missing. Magic!

Consider a Puzzle Mat or Tray

If you’re doing a large puzzle consider using a puzzle mat or tray. These are a game changer especially if you don’t have the space to leave a puzzle out long term. Puzzle mats allow you to roll up your puzzle without losing progress and trays help you organize the pieces so you can pick up where you left off.

Be Patient and Persistent

The most important puzzle solving skill? Patience. It’s easy to want to force pieces where they don’t fit but trust the process. If it doesn’t fit set it aside and come back to it later. Puzzle solving is a marathon, not a sprint. Every piece will find its place and when it does, the satisfaction is all the better.


Improving your puzzle solving skills isn’t about finishing fast it’s about enjoying the journey and working smart. With these tips, you’ll find even the toughest puzzles become easier and dare we say, more fun.

With locations conveniently located throughout Metro Sydney, finding the perfect hobby shop near you has never been easier. Experience the excitement of exploring our vast selection of puzzles, expert advice, and exceptional customer service. Discover why Hobbyco is the number one hobby shop in Australia.

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