Nanoblocks Dragon Ball - Frieza
Dragon Ball Z is one of the most critically-acclaimed anime series of all time, amassing an enormous fan base across the world. The show follows the adventures of Goku who, along with his companions, defends the Earth against an assortment of villains ranging from intergalactic space fighters and conquerors, unnaturally powerful androids and nearly indestructible creatures. Frieza is the Emperor of Universe 7, who controlled his own imperial army and feared for his ruthlessness and power. He is responsible for Goku's arrival on Earth.
Nanoblocks are a revolutionary Japanese toy block on a scale never seen before. The smallest bricks are just 4x4mm enabling models to be made in intricate detail. This amazingly small micro sized block makes it possible to create more detailed and even smaller projects than what can be made with standard sized blocks. nanoblock is a stimulating and entertaining hobby material for everybody, especially for grown-ups.
- Difficulty Level : Level 3
- Contents: 110 micro-sized building blocks
- The set comes with detailed step by step instructions
- Build models with incredible detail, astounding authenticity and unparalleled realism
- Make amazing 3D art that fits in the palm of your hand
- Approx package dimensions: 10 x 18 x 3 cms
- Ages 12 and up
- Choking hazard: Contains small parts